Welcome to the Member Area!

This area gives you access to the community, tools, programs, and more. Please take a look around and don’t hesitate to contact me at xxxxx@xxxxx.com if you have any questions.

To change the header image:

  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. Click on Pages and find your Member Area page
  3. Click on ‘Edit’
  4. Edit the Fullwidth Image module by clicking on the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) in the grey bar
  5. Upload your desired image by clicking on the Settings icon in the upper right hand corner
  6. Be sure to click Save Changes

To edit the menu above:

  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. Click on Pages and find your Member Area page
  3. Click on ‘Edit’
  4. Edit the Fullwidth Menu module by clicking on the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) in the grey bar
  5. Select the desired menu
  6. To edit the menu items, click on Appearance in the left hand menu in your Dashboard
  7. Click on Menus
  8. Add/delete pages
  9. Be sure to click Save Changes

To edit this section:

  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. Click on Pages and find your Member Area page
  3. Click on ‘Edit’
  4. Edit the Welcome to the Member Area Text module by clicking on the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) in the grey bar
  5. Change the text
  6. Be sure to save your changes and click ‘Update’

To edit the icons:

  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. Click on Pages and find your Member Area page
  3. Click on ‘Edit’
  4. Edit the Blurb modules by clicking on the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) in the grey bar
  5. Change the link in the URL field under ‘Link’ to your desired link
  6. Scroll down to ‘Image & Icon’ and select your desired icon
  7. To change the color, click on the Design tab and select the desired icon color
  8. Be sure to save your changes and click ‘Update’

Watch Our Latest Webinar

To edit this section:

  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. Click on Pages and find your Member Area page
  3. Click on ‘Edit’
  4. Edit the Latest Webinar Text module by clicking on the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) in the grey bar
  5. Be sure to save your changes and click ‘Update’



To edit this section:

  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. Click on Pages and find your Member Area page
  3. Click on ‘Edit’
  4. Edit the Goodies Text module by clicking on the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) in the grey bar
  5. Be sure to save your changes and click ‘Update’

To edit the icons:

  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. Click on Pages and find your Member Area page
  3. Click on ‘Edit’
  4. Edit the Blurb modules by clicking on the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) in the grey bar
  5. Change the link in the URL field under ‘Link’ to your desired link
  6. Scroll down to ‘Image & Icon’ and select your desired icon
  7. To change the color, click on the Design tab and select the desired icon color
  8. Be sure to save your changes and click ‘Update’
About your membership

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ut augue sit amet purus mollis viverra. Vivamus condimentum tincidunt lorem, eu facilisis neque ornare vel. Nulla ornare lacinia justo at rhoncus. Quisque ac magna libero. Integer mattis sapien in augue ultricies mattis. Donec aliquam ligula quis quam porta laoreet.

Maecenas ultrices sollicitudin odio. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc sit amet elit commodo, semper urna nec, congue lectus. Duis hendrerit non enim at imperdiet. Praesent lobortis tortor et nibh faucibus, vitae cursus leo tincidunt. Cras pharetra, turpis non tristique tincidunt, est lectus sollicitudin arcu, pretium pellentesque nisl ex non nibh. Nunc ut libero a tellus pulvinar tincidunt et vitae turpis.

Etiam congue orci eu arcu condimentum, in dignissim urna blandit. Ut dignissim tincidunt nisl rhoncus tincidunt. Etiam ultrices faucibus tincidunt.

Software requirements

Duis imperdiet arcu ut suscipit sagittis. Ut suscipit tempus vehicula. Duis vestibulum nec justo eu dictum. Mauris aliquet mauris ut convallis efficitur. Morbi ullamcorper cursus fermentum. Praesent vel maximus lacus, in egestas orci. Ut faucibus mi massa, sit amet tempor ipsum cursus ac. Cras ac tempus mi. Donec et eros eu sapien laoreet bibendum. Vivamus nec laoreet nulla. Fusce non massa sit amet quam porta malesuada sed sed risus. Sed at mi varius, facilisis libero non, gravida massa. Vestibulum ut dui molestie, vestibulum ipsum sed, gravida enim. Phasellus vitae rhoncus nunc, ut fringilla ipsum

Cancel your membership

Nullam aliquam dictum tortor, lobortis pretium dolor fermentum et. In consectetur, diam non ornare porta, felis leo finibus augue, id pretium ipsum neque vestibulum tortor. Sed interdum tincidunt pretium. Sed tincidunt mauris mauris. Ut tristique suscipit orci vitae accumsan. Mauris venenatis ac turpis vel interdum.

Integer egestas ullamcorper ipsum non scelerisque. Nullam tincidunt mauris ullamcorper felis gravida scelerisque. Integer suscipit ipsum non nisl pellentesque, vitae facilisis risus efficitur. Aenean eu ligula tellus. Nullam sit amet ligula ac massa consequat semper. Donec vestibulum, lorem non cursus vehicula, neque quam posuere libero, eget tincidunt magna sapien ac dui. Sed massa libero, iaculis sed est non, faucibus tristique ligula. Nulla sagittis convallis lectus, a fringilla risus tempor eu.

Cancel Your Membership

To edit these toggle modules:

  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. Click on Pages and find your Member Area page
  3. Click on ‘Edit’
  4. Edit the Toggle modules by clicking on the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) in the grey bars
  5. Change the Title and text
  6. You can choose whether or not you want the module open or closed by default
  7. Be sure to save your changes and click ‘Update’